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- 0.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
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This lesson contains the Healthy Bones for Life™ program a 1-hour presentation covering the basic aspects of osteoporosis and bone health.Healthy Bones for Life™ is the starting point for the education program. The video shown is a sample of a program that a Peer Educator would deliver.You will learn bone development over the ages, understand what osteoporosis is, bone loss and fractures. It's the perfect introduction to preventing bone loss, fracture prevention, bone-safe exercise and bone-healthy nutrition.
- 0.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.00 ANCC
- 0.00 Participation
- 0.00 Participation/Attendance
The Calculator estimates fracture risk for women and men over age 45. It is available online at:https://americanbonehealth.org/calculator/What we’ll cover in this module
- 0.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.00 ANCC
- 0.00 Participation
- 0.00 Participation/Attendance
As you learned during the orientation, osteoporosis is a public health crisis. In order to understand the complexities of this public health crisis, it helps to understand the basics of bone health. This lesson covers:What is osteoporosis?Bone developmentBone lossEffects of loss of sex hormones (menopause and andropause)Each lesson is followed by a short quiz to help you retain the material. The passing score for a quiz is 80%.
- 0.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.00 ANCC
- 0.00 Participation
- 0.00 Participation/Attendance
Let’s talk about how diet can build bones and prevent bone loss. Good bone health starts with calcium, vitamin D, magnesium and protein.About CalciumCalcium basicsInstitute of Medicine recommendationsCalcium and foodLactose intoleranceCalcium supplementsAbout Vitamin DVitamin D basicsInstitute of Medicine recommendationsBest way to get vitamin DOther NutrientsMagnesiumProtein
- 0.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.00 ANCC
- 0.00 Participation
- 0.00 Participation/Attendance
Did you know that not all exercises are the same when it comes to building and protecting bones? This module explains why.Exercise and bone healthWhat builds bonesExercising safelyPreventing falls
- 0.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.00 ANCC
- 0.00 Participation
- 0.00 Participation/Attendance
It is important for everyone to understand the screening and diagnostic tools available. This modules presents those tools and explains how to understand the results.Screening and diagnosisBone mineral density test (DXA)Understanding bone density test (DXA) results andWhat a T-score is
- 0.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.00 ANCC
- 0.00 Participation
- 0.00 Participation/Attendance
Breaking a bone can be a life-changing event, so it is important to prevent fractures. This module explains what risk factors can contribute to fractures.Osteoporosis risk vs fracture riskFracture Risk FactorsPersonal factorsHealth factors and medical conditionsSome medicinesFracture historyLifestyleOther factors
- 0.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.00 ANCC
- 0.00 Participation
- 0.00 Participation/Attendance
Understanding what treatments are available for osteoporosis empowers people make more informed decisions. This module will present treatment options, benefits and risks.FDA-approved medicinesDiscussing medicines with health care providers
- 0.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.00 ANCC
- 0.00 Participation
- 0.00 Participation/Attendance
This course has covered many aspects of bone health. This lesson will present details about the connection between bone health and HIV.The prevalence of HIV and fractures in people living with HIV (PLWH)How HIV and its treatments affect bone healthHow bone disease may be managed in PLWHWhat PLWH can do to protect and keep their bones strong